Thursday 22 November 2007

Top Ten Tips for Making A Music Video

Choosing the Track

- Make it Short
- Myspace is a very good source for researching unknown artists with potentially good music

Write a Treatment

- Strong simple idea
- Be realistic
- Have a clear and workable concept

Plan for Everything

- Have a storyboard
- When preparing for a shoot plan people, place, props and costume
- Have everyone mobil numbers
- Shot as early as possible not near the deadline
- Reherse the performance whereever possible before shoot, not on location


- Use it to link ideas
- Put videos and photos on it
- Still shots of location
- Animation storyboard
- Put every small idea you think of on there


- Know the equipment you are using and what it is capible of
- Do pleanty of test shots
- Remember tripod
- Remember CD player when on location

The Shoot

- Shoot each scene three times from a different set up
- Have lots of cutaways, angles and closeups
- Shoot more than you think you will need
- Label and organise all footage


- Synch the perfrmance first
- Get the whole performance together first
- Cut...cut...cut
- Dynamic work
- Do affects last
- Upoad rough cut to blog


- Upload feedback to your blog


- Start as early as possible
- Use your blog
- Get lots of advice from Mrs. Fernandez!

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