Thursday 22 November 2007

Product Analysis - Kano - Nite Nite

Genre Characteristics?

British Rap

What is the relationship between music and visuals?

When the artists are talking to either each other or directly to the audience about their situation, it is often at night or with a dark background, this creates a clear distinction between the sequences. In the narrative based shots , were the females in the song are shown, it is filmed during the daytime and some of the time in slow motion giving an all most dreamingly impression as if it is a POV shot through the singers eyes.

What is the relationship between visuals and lyrics?

The artists singing in the opening scene is as if they are having a conversation between each other. When Leo is singing about his partner, when they are sitting on the swing it is as if it is a narrative sequence and he is invisible to her and he’s singing looking at her saying how he likes her.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?

There are number of close-ups throughout the video. When Kano sings the opening chorus the shots cut between medium shots of his upper body to close-ups of his face when his is lip syncing.
When Leo is singing on the swing, again most of the shots are close-ups of his face and the cuts to medium shots showing the whole of the stars body. There are also a number of fragmentation shots of the artists body, however they are not in a voyeuristic or in a way to exploit the artists physical appearance.

Is there reference to the notion of looking?

There is a close up of Kano’s face and then it cuts to a shot of a women walking up the beach in swim wear. The object of this is for the audience to look at the women like Kano is doing, looking at her physical appearance (in a voyeuristic fashion).

Is it performance based or narrative based? How much of each?

The music video cuts from lip syncing sequences when the artists are singing directly to the camera, as if they are singing the song to the audience. Then it lip sync’s when they are singing the song to each other, as if you are watching a conversation and finally the audience is displaced further as there is a narrative sequence. This is in evidence when they are having an evening meal; it is as if we are watching from a distance, all most ‘fly on the wall‘ like. During the narrative shots the video is in slow motion (cranked up).

Ideological discourses?

The video does reinforce the ideological discourse of youth and beauty. The females in the video are all white and slim and suggest that this is what is considered to be beautiful.

1 comment:

c_fernandez said...

Again - perceptive analysis.
What about locations - they seem to be a glamourous beach... what are the implications?