Thursday 22 November 2007

Product Analysis - Example - So Many Roads

What is the relationship between music and visuals?

The video is introduced by a medium long shot of an athletics track, the music is started when Example starts his run which works well. the music is steady paced much like his run, quite a mellow beat. there doesn't seem to be any more obvious links between the music and the visuals

What is the relationship between visuals and lyrics?

The editing is very simple in this video, there are a number of long shots with little cutting. there are links between the visuals and the lyrics however, when he says, "look at my shoes" the camera cut to a picture of his feet when he is jogging. Also the chorus, "so many roads" is suggested by him running try to get somewhere like you do on roads.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?

Apart from infrequent cuts to other shots, the camera is completely focused on Example in front of him as he runs round the track, promoting his look to make him recognisable but he is not represented as glamorous, he has a simple tracksuit on and is unshaven.

Is there reference to the notion of looking?

There is the odd point of view shot of some one running behind him making you feel included in the narrative.

Are there intertextual reference?

There is no clear intertexual references in the video although some evidence of the negative relationship between police and young people

Is it performance based or narrative based? How much of each?

i think the video is almost completely performanced based, you watch Example lip sink the whole song all the way round the track, he lip sinks almost every verse uninterrupted and it cuts to other shots in the chorus which is the only bit he doesn't sing. there is a tiny narrative of some ind of race going on, police are trying to stop fans and other competing or just simply following him, however, it doesn't seem to have any relationship with the actually song.


Example is shown to be a very simple white male, much like the everyday person, he is shown to be focused on his music like the race he is running. and no sidetracked by the bad things he has left behind

1 comment:

c_fernandez said...

Again - perceptive. You still need to include more technical analysis and discussion of location, mise-en-scene..