Sunday 2 December 2007

Techincal Analysis: The Streets-Never went to church

Duration-3 mins 37 secs.

The video uses slow cuts, due to the melow beat and lyrics.

- Mise- en- scene shot on location
- Black and white effective look, snow stands out more, reflections in window of train, the black and white could be seen as a visual style. - First person mode of address, talking/lip syncing directly to the audience
- performance based, as shots of him lip syncing which reinforces authenticity and helps the audience to better engage with Mike Skinner. - Could be seen as a disjunctive narrative, where the the video narrative is different to the lyrical narrative. - I interpreted a sense of nostalgia (relflective, regretfulness) Post Modern reference to Steve Connally, nostalgic-a desire for retro culture - Andrew Goodwin, lots of close ups - Reference to notion of looking, the reflections in train windows and mobile home - Para-social intimacy, feeling like you become closer to artist throughout, about his life. Mike Skinner is the only one on the screen to therefore engage with him more, as only focusing on him throughout. - ELS used to show his rural scenic location, makes him see more alone.

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