Sunday 2 December 2007

Product Analysis: Roots Manuva- Witness the fitness

What is the relationship between music and visuals?
This is a very unusual video in relationship to the music. As this genre of music regulary shows videos of women enduring objectification as well as the frequent refrences to over indulgence and wealth. Although this is appartent it is not to the extent that is expected. The backing beat of the track is in time with the cuts showing a clear relationship between the music and the visuals. Complying with Steve Artchers conventions of a music video as it has fast cuts, montage editing and post production digital effects which can be seen when the artist runs the three legged race.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?
The link between the lyrics and visuals is quite ironic, as if you were just to listen to the music without the visuals you would expect to see the objectification of women due to the verse beginning, "Witness the fitness". Instead its all about keeping fit, which is unusual for this genre of music.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?
The construct of the star persona is presented through when the artist pulls up in a Ferrari and the young children run to the fence screaming showing how the artist is well known and his fame is noted here. Also the use of the Ferrari connotes wealth and the "because i'm worth it narrative" presented by theorist Steven Hill is also touched upon within the visuals as the artist presents where he came from by showing the primary school, which doesnt seem to be an overly wealthy area, to now having the right to "material overindulgence" connoted by the Ferrari. The fact that the artist talks into the camera and his eyes seem as though they are "looking" at the audience through the lens of the camera causes the first person mode of address. The audience therefore feel closer to the star and feel as though they are being preformed for personally. This also helps the audience to relate better to the artist, reinforcing and creating para-social intimacy. This is also constructed through the artist being at an ordinary primary school as it makes him seem no different from the rest of us making him easier to relate to. Although he clearly sets himself apart again with the use of the Ferrari.

Is it performance based or narrative based? How much of each?
The video is mainly narrative based as we follow the artist as he prepares to return to his primary school for sports day. The text at the beginning of the video adds belidity and gives the audience quick backgound knowledge so that the text is read in the correct way. However the fequent shots of the artist lipsyncing show authenticity. This could also be seen as a meta-narrative as the artist tells the audience about his past and the fact that he still has the desire to succeed in his sports day events, this causes para-social intimacy as the audience feels they have found out more about the stars past experiences.

Ideological discourses?
The text would been seen as postmodern. Using Steven Connollly's ideas we are able to see the theme of "self-referentality" as the artist refers to himself, mocking himself by going back to his primary school to win the races he came last in as a child. There is also a sense of nostagia as the artist reverts back to his old primary school to forfill his desire for retro culture.

The artist mocks himself in the text by showing how he has had to really try and prepare for the childs sports day and then turns up in a lycra running suit. Also with the cuts between his fridge with loads of eggs in and him buying them in the supermarket. This shows the audience that the artist doesnt really take himself seriously and presents his music as fun and something to be enjoyed rather than how other black rap artist present themselves- as serious gangsters. This is a very different interpritation to the black rap artist videos and this is why it could be viewed as a postmodernist text. The fact that the rap artist is coloured and has items that connote wealth reinforce the ideals that you are only able to succeed in this genre of music if you are black.

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