Monday 28 January 2008

Location Shot 27/01/08

For our second location shot we returned to Lakeside/Thurrock where we began filming our practice shots with more precision and detail, taking into consideration camera techniques such as the rule of thirds.

We also learnt to create wastage by recording a small amount either side of each shot to ensure we captured all the frames, we knew that we could then cut out this wastage in the editing software once the footage was captured on the computer

Recording our footage in colour was also done, rather than record in black and white as we learnt we could adjust the contrast to give us the affect rather than just be stuck with the one option.

Shots involving point of view driving shots and the 'drive by' lingering shots were also rendered by using a more affective way of positioning the camera to get a smoother shot.

Our practice shots were stopped early by bad weather conditions, checking up to date weather reports would be crucial to check before signing out cameras.

On location shot 3 we want to try some car to car filming whch will be very affective aswell as improving some performance/lipsinking footage.

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